Translation teams
Cooperative groups of translators

TechnoWords Translations

Technology oriented

360° technical translations

Optics, optometry, contact lenses, medical instruments, domotic systems, renewable energy, photovoltaic, hydraulic, industrial engineering, automotive, press releases, hardware & software, recycling industry, proofreading of educational books.
Team language pairs 1
  • English to Italian
Team leader
Valeria Faber
Valeria Faber
Freelance Translator EN>IT
10 years experience in translation Specialist in Optics, Optometry, Photovoltaic & Domotics
Team members 2
Maria Luisa Dell'Orto
Maria Luisa Dell'Orto
25-year experience, technical industry
United Kingdom
16 years of experience in technical translations: translation, editing and proofreading of instruction books, specifications, documentation, list of component, marketing material, brochures, press release in the mechanical, electronic, hydraulic, electric, industrial engineering, automotive, aviation, printing machines, metallurgy, medical instruments, computer hardware and software field, petrol industry, photovoltaic, eolic, renewable energy, recycling industry.

6 years of experience in software localization: translation, review.

Translation Education: Ma- Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttri Silvio Pellico - SSIT Milano

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